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Hire a press release writer

What sets The Happy Guy Marketing apart: We think like journalists. We write like journalists. We have experience in the world of the media.

Experienced press release writers

Writing a press release, properly called a “news release” (the press does not actually need to be released in a free country) is an area of significant specialization. An effective news release addresses the unique perspective journalists bring to their jobs.

The most successful news release is the one that an editor can insert into a newspaper without changing a comma.

My website has really started to grow over the past few weeks, mostly due to the press release you and Corey wrote.

Thank you for the press release!

It looks good.

5 stars
5 stars – 2 reviews

Of course, major newspapers and magazines will still want to write their own stories from scratch, but they will have been saved the process of trying to imagine how a story could be crafted from your release. And with press releases piling up on their desk, that gives yours an unfair advantage over your competition.

Smaller press will often take a well-written press release and run with it “as is”, rather than trying to rewrite your competition’s poorly-written release. In fact, we’ve even had major wire services run with the first few paragraphs of press releases we’ve written.

“The easier you make it for the media to say ‘Eureka’, the more likely your story will be delivered.”

What our writers do for you

We organize the information you might want in a news release. Next we determine what is the single most important message you want delivered. We look next at what types of media or journalists might be interested in the story.

Then we work on the most newsworthy angle. Or angles. There might be a business angle, a sports angle and a pet care angle to a particular story.

The next step is to write a draft press release as close to what the media will be looking for as possible. It is at that point that we determine if there should be several different news releases.

Why would there be several different news releases? One reason would be if there are several angles written for different departments (business, sports, pet care, for example).

Another reason for multiple news releases is if the news can be localized, perhaps by quoting a local sales rep or office manager, perhaps by providing local statistics, perhaps by using a local example. Localization works wonders with the media, and is worth the time and effort.

We work with you to build as many versions of your press release as would be effective.

Let us write your press release for maximum media coverage.

Want to hire a professional press release writer?

If you are looking for an experienced news release writer, contact The Happy Guy Marketing for a free quote. The more details you provide, the better we can serve you.

Hire an English to Spanish translator

What sets The Happy Guy Marketing apart: We don’t translate just the words. We translate the ideas and the information, creating authentic copy the reader can relate to. We speak their language. English to Spanish or Spanish to English translation – your choice.

Top quality Spanish translation services

Believe it or not, English is not the only language on the Internet. It is the language of the USA and a few other big countries, to be sure. But your customers and website visitors might speak many other languages. Did you know that most of the western hemisphere speaks Spanish, including an increasingly affluent portion of the United States?

“If the customer is always right, speak to her in her own language.”

What our translation service does for you

We can provide in-house translation and localization services from English to Spanish or from Spanish to English for your legal documents, website, marketing materials, letters and more. One of our Spanish translators has served as executive secretary to a Mexican branch office CEO, and frequently translates high-level documents. The utmost care and precision had to be taken, for obvious reasons. Another is a professional translator in Mexico City.

Earlier this year, your company (translator – Javier Mendonça) translated into Spanish our submission to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity on the Nagoya Protocol. The Spanish translation was well received by the Spanish speaking ambassadors, technicians, and Indigenous Peoples, especially of Latin American countries, attending the first Intergovernmental Committee on the implementation of the Protocol. In fact, some are using our submission as source material for education within their own countries.

5 stars
5 stars – 1 reviews

We can also arrange for quality translation into other languages, such as French or German. And we can translate between Spanish and French, too. Best of all, we can advise on the most effective way to integrate foreign languages into your website, both for the benefit of your visitors and for the best search engine rankings in each language, as well as localization to specific cultures.

Need your Spanish text optimized (SEO) for the search engines? No problem. The same rules apply in any language, and Spanish is no different. We can boost your rankings in any language that uses the same alphabet. And website localization is key, especially since there are many Spanish-speaking cultures that receive messages quite differently from one another.

Hire a freelance speech writer (speechwriter)

What sets our team of speechwriters apart: We take the time to understand both your goals and your voice.

From best man to best candidate speech writing for political, corporate and personal occasions

More people are afraid of public speaking than are afraid of dying. Fortunately, fewer people have to speak in public than have to die…and if you are one of those who has to speak in public, we can help.

With a carefully crafted speech, you can proceed to deliver it with confidence. Our writers make sure to understand the purpose of your speech; is it meant to inspire, to motivate, to inform, to move people to action, to entertain?

Our writers make sure to understand your audience, why they are there, what motivates them, what their predispositions might be and what it takes to move them from where they are now to where you want them to be by the end of your presentation.

It all starts with a topic. Can’t think of just the write speech topic? Our writers can make suggestions, then craft an effective speech around the topic.

Persuasive political speech writers

Political speeches are speeches of persuasion. Some political speeches are geared toward electoral success. Some are geared toward winning a policy debate. All must ensure that the speaker’s “political capital” rises as a result of the speech, and every one must be a persuasive speech.

Because political speeches are generally delivered by very public personas, it is very important for our speech writers to capture the speaker’s voice. Your voice. We take the time to make sure we do this right, and we work with you to master your personal speaking style.

Looking for a freelance speechwriter? Contact us for a free quote – fill out the form.

Professional corporate event speech writers

Corporate speeches are generally speeches of leadership. Whether addressing employees or stockholders, success is defined by the quality of leadership the speech inspires in the audience. This holds true equally for visionary speeches as for policy announcements as for product launches. Here are a few of the occasions you might want our speech writers to help you:

  • Annual meetings or shareholder gatherings
  • Store or plant openings
  • Employee gatherings
  • Policy announcements
  • Conference, convention or trade show speeches
  • News conferences

Praise for our speech writers

Our clients are never left speechless. Here are a few things they have to say about working with our professional speech writers. (Read more testimonials here.)

The conference overall exceeding even my expectations. Great energy, great value.

I am really pleased with how this speech is going and have been reviewing it with my brother. There are some very small changes I am going to make and then I will send it back to you for a final review. I’m very please with many of the subtle jokes you made.

Well I have to thank you again and the speech was fantastic. As you can imagine the flow was great and must admit I did a pretty good job delivering our speech. I had it pretty well memorized so it did enable me to add in little events which made the audience chuckle. Both Kuno and his fiancée were very delighted and touched by the words.

I’m very happy that I decided to go with a “writer” service and very happy that you wrote the words.

Thank you again and should I need writing expertise in the future you can be assured I will be calling upon your services.

Thanks for helping to organize my thoughts and put them on paper. … Thanks again for all your help. While I had an idea for what I wanted to express, your help in getting it structured was a big help.

You will have some fantastic words to say – both at your next speech, and when it’s over.

5 stars
5 stars – 5 reviews

Our speechwriters can tailor your corporate speech for any occasion or for any audience, to put your personal and corporate reputation in the very best light.

Custom speech writers for weddings, award celebrations and other personal occasions

Personal speeches are all about personality…not just the speaker’s, but the person who is being feted or roasted. For example, a best man speech at a wedding has to reflect not only the personality of the best man, but also the character and characteristics of the groom, the bride and perhaps their families, as well. Here are a few of the “personal” occasions you might want our speech writers to help you:

  • Award dinners
  • Retirement speeches
  • Weddings, such as a best man speech or groom speech
  • Conferences (yes, sometimes people speak at conferences for non-professional reasons)
  • Birthdays and anniversaries

Looking for help writing a best man speech? Or a maid of honor speech?

We can help. An entertaining and memorable best man speech typically costs $250. We will need some information from you to get started. For instance…

  • A description of the personalities of the bride and groom (how do they handle being teased; what is important to them as far as hobbies, religion, values, etc.)
  • How the couple met, and any role you , the best man, had in getting them together or failing to keep them apart  🙂
  • Whatever other anecdotes you want to tell about a) the groom, b) the couple, c) the groom’s family, friends or other (if appropriate)
  • If there is any special wish you have for them
  • Any advice you wish to offer a) the groom, b) the bride, c) the couple, d) the world (e.g.: look out world, this couple is going to blaze an incredible trail in medicine or anthropology or music)
  • Anything else specific about the couple
  • The location, e.g. “church basement in Winchester, Ontario” or “beach house in Acapulco, Mexico”
  • Would you like a poem (inspiring) or a limerick (humorous)?
  • The tone of the speech – a bestman speech should have a fair dose of sincerity and a fair dose of humor, as well as some inspiration, but you might want to indicate if you want it to lean more one way or the other
  • The length of the speech in minutes
  • How you came to be best man, if there is even a slight story behind that
  • Photos or other images you would like to project on a screen, and whatever story might go along with them  (this can be a BIG boost to a best man speech if you or the couple’s parents have kept “blackmail photos” since they were kids).  We can prepare the bulk of the speech to accompany a slide show, or we can make it a small section of the speech, as you wish.

Many people write their own personal speeches, but others want help. Maybe you know what you want to say, but you don’t know how. That’s where our professional speech writers come in. That’s where we can help.

Freelance writers for hire

What sets our team of freelance writers apart:
We write words AND think visually to make your web copy, report or book sizzle.

We don’t just write web copy. Our writers specialize also in press releases. We also write sales letters, newsletters, autobiographies and memoires, travel articles and financial articles, reports, novels, health stories, self-help books, business books, white papers and academic reports, spiritual books and more.

What our team of writers can do for you

Many writers bring forth one or two writing skill sets. Our freelance writers bring forth a very wide range. We deliver almost any type of project, and we do it to a very high quality:

  • Sales letters.
  • Official reports and white papers.
  • Marketing materials.
  • Book manuscripts and novels.
  • Self-help and motivation.
  • How-to explanations.
  • Speeches.
  • Editing and proofreading.
  • Blog posts and Internet articles.
  • Feature journalism.
  • Editorial copy.
  • Academic articles and books.
  • Screenplays and movie scripts.
  • Interviews.
  • Biography and autobiography.
  • Humor.
  • Poetry.
  • Business and finance writing.
  • Songs.
  • Technical writing.
  • News releases and public relations materials.

What writing requests we get the most

Here is what people are looking for when they ask us to help them put their thoughts down in words:

What writing tasks people want

Hire a freelance web copy writer or editor

People come to us to write their website copy, because they know we deliver quality:

  • Words that engage the reader.
  • Words that boost your search engine rankings.
  • Words that lead customers toward the sale.
  • Words that massage the short attention spans of internet surfers.
  • Words AND layout to hold the reader’s interest.

On the Internet, it is not just about the words. Visuals, fonts, linking and much more go into effective copy that leads visitors to take action (buy, give an email address, ask for a quote, etc.). Most freelance writers, even website copy writers, still write just words.

Hire a freelance book ghostwriter or editor

People come to us to write their book manuscripts, because they know we write their words in their voice:

  • Words that inspire the reader.
  • Words that sound like the author himself or herself.
  • Words that impress book reviewers.
  • Words that deliver the intended message.

Samples of books we have written or edited

Just a small sampling of those books we are at liberty to reveal…

Previous Frame Next Frame
  • book cover ASIM: Servant of Two Masters, by D.W. Smith
    HISTORICAL FICTION: In 1453 Turkey, Mehmed the Conqueror has just defeated the Byzantine Empire and a new era called the Ottoman Empire is ushered in.
  • book cover Breast Cancer; The Sun Will Rise, by Pamela S. Barron
    SELF HELP: Breast cancer survivor Pamela Barron describes life with metastatic breast cancer and continuous chemo treatment for seven years .
  • book cover War of the Staffs, by Kathryn Tedrick and H.P. Stephenson
    FANTASY: A fresh new series for all those who love dragons, wizards, elves, dwarves, and mayhem.
  • book cover Amazing Adventures of a Nobody, by Leon Logothetis
    MEMOIR: A personal tale of travel and adventure in the real world.
  • book cover Sit Crooked and Speak Straight, by Stephane J. McGrane
    BUSINESS: A primer for anyone wanting to conduct buisiness susccessfully in the Arabian Penninsula.
  • book cover The High-tech Gooseneck Putter, by Samuel DiMatteo & Kristin Johnson
    CHILDREN: Meet Sami DeMani, a Canada gander with a legendary golf game. He’s on track to win the prestigious Waterfowl Tour — and put his nemesis, the ruthless Pete Swan Lake, in his place once and for all.
  • book cover The Missing Cub, by Darcy Fast with Jonathan Kravetz
    AUTOBIOGRAPHY: A baseball autobiography.
  • book cover The Biracial Bondage, by Joe Bama
    SOCIETY: Exploring the struggle of biracial people and couples, as seen through the eyes of both white and black people.
  • book cover Eradonis: Legend of the Black Rose, by Narisha Rajnandan
    FANTASY: First in a series of books featuring sorcery and magic spells.
  • book cover My Life With an Unsung Hero, by Vesta Sithole
    BIOGRAPHY: The post-humus biography of the Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole, a hero of the Zimbabwean struggle for independence.
  • book cover The Genesis One Code, by Daniel Friedmann
    SCIENCE, RELIGION: Calculations demonstrate a clear alignment between the times of key events described in the creation narrative in the Book of Genesis with those derived from scientific theory and observation.
  • book cover Time Craft, by Mark A. Ely
    SCIENCE FICTION: A time-travel story of adventure and scientific imagination.
  • book cover He will guide you, by Dr. John Diomede
    RELIGION: A guide for Christians to your relationship with the Holy Spirit.
  • book cover Flying Cowboys and Confetti Rain: Dreams of a PBR Bull, by Debbie Felkins Tamez
    CHILDREN: An endearing story of a bull and a racoon and their adventures on the road to fame.
    • Book 1
    • Book 2
    • Book 3
    • Book 4
    • Book 5
    • Book 6
    • Book 7
    • Book 8
    • Book 9
    • Book 10
    • Book 11
    • Book 12
    • Book 13
    • Book 14

Hire a Freelance Report Writer or Editor

People come to us to write their reports, technical papers and white papers, because they know we understand the words to use to convey their meaning clearly:

  • Words that are formal enough to sound official.
  • Words that are engaging enough to hold interest.
  • Words that impress readers.
  • Words that deliver the information required.

“Write like you are speaking, one on one, with your customers. It does not mean you have to use slang. It does mean you have to get personal AND interactive.”

We write using the following principles:

  • The reader is doing us a favor by reading – don’t bore her.
  • Some people (impulse customers) want you to get to the point. Fast. Or else they are gone.
  • Others (skeptic customers) want tons and tons of information before buying, especially over the often suspect Internet.
  • Both types of people are important, and both types of customers need to be nurtured.
  • The search engines can’t read your intent, only the words that are on the page.

Accolades for our writers

Here are a few quick client testimonials. these are just an unprompted sampling. (Read more testimonials here.)

Dear Debra: The article is excellent as edited. I can’t thank you enough for the excellent job you did. The article flows like a symphony.

Oh wow, I am crying. It is beautiful. And I am not just saying that because it is my book and all. It flows smoothly. I am pleased. I am confident I will land a contract with that. Now I feel confident. I didn’t feel that confidence before with my manuscript. Being a writer, I know that my manuscript didn’t have the smoothness I was aiming for. Thanks so much.

Well I have to thank you again and the speech was fantastic. As you can imagine the flow was great and must admit I did a pretty good job delivering our speech. I had it pretty well memorized so it did enable me to add in little events which made the audience chuckle. Both Kuno and his fiancée were very delighted and touched by the words.

I’m very happy that I decided to go with a “writer” service and very happy that you wrote the words.

Thank you again and should I need writing expertise in the future you can be assured I will be calling upon your services.


David I really like this and my writing style was not lost with your editing and assistance. It still reads like I wrote the story.

I opened your edited file today. Although I have not had the strength to make the changes, they are PERFECT. You have done exactly what I had hoped you would do – you made my story better. I am eager to incorporate your suggestions and send it to my publisher. Thanks so much!

5 stars
5 stars – 5 reviews

Professional ghost writers for hire

What sets our ghostwriters apart: We can write in just about any style, which means we can carry your voice forward.

Ghostwriters for every kind of book

Just what is a ghost writer (or “ghostwriter”)? It is a writer you never see – a ghost. If you have great ideas, but can’t seem to find the words to express them, you might want to hire our ghost writer services for your book or article.

The most important skill a ghost writer can offer is the ability to write words that sound like they come from your mouth. If chameleons could write, they would be ideal ghost writers, changing their writing style with their clients.

“Your words. Your voice. Your style.”

We bring forward a multitude of writing styles, from humor to formal to journalistic to motivational. People hire ghost writers for books, articles, reports, novels or just about anything else you want. We can write any genre, Christian, fantasy, mystery – you name it. This makes us flexible and creative enough to adapt to your unique style, and write words that express your unique viewpoint.

What writing requests we get the most

Here is what people are looking for when they ask us to help them put their thoughts down in words:

What writing tasks people want

Here are a few of our current ghostwriting projects. We don’t use real names for ghostwriting to protect client confidentiality. In fact, our services include absolute anonymity when requested; when the book is written and the bills are paid, you are the author and you own all rights. Period.

  • J. wants to write a fantasy novel. He has all the ideas for characters and much of the plot, and he is sure he has a best seller on his hands. But he needs help to bring some elements of the plot together, and he needs a top-notch writer to make it sound like a best-seller. He needs to hire a ghostwriter. One of our freelance ghost writers, who has published her own works and studied fantasy novels, has taken on this project.
  • R. sells his services to financial advisors. In order to open the door to sell his marketing program to insurance agents and financial advisors, he wants a book to build his reputation and pre-sell his ideas. That’s easy; his ideas and our ghostwriting services will give him exactly what he is looking for.
  • S. is writing the novel of his life, an epic work of fiction that draws on his observations. He wants it to entertain, educate and philosophize all at once, which is what got him thinking of hiring a ghostwriter. At well over 100,000 words, it is indeed a work of epic proportions that has evolved even as it was being written. Dedication and quality writing have helped us deliver his “baby”.
  • B. wants a book to sell at speaking engagements and through other venues. He has honed his message and he knows he has a receptive audience, but writing is not his forte. No problem, we have an energetic writer for him who knows how to convey his sense of excitement and motivation working on his self-help book right now.
  • R. sees too much going on wrong about him and he believes the world needs a shot of justice. He wants to write a Christian-based book to deliver a wake-up call to action. He really does not know where to begin. One of our Christian ghost writers, who has written on similar themes and delivered related speeches, is helping him organize his thoughts and write the book.
  • D. has been working on his screenplay for years, smoothing it out, polishing it up – and still finding that it is not quite right. He decided to hire a ghost writer, so he asked us to make it “Hollywood-ready”. That is just what we are doing.

Samples of books we have written or edited

Just a small sampling of those books we are at liberty to reveal…

Previous Frame Next Frame
  • book cover ASIM: Servant of Two Masters, by D.W. Smith
    HISTORICAL FICTION: In 1453 Turkey, Mehmed the Conqueror has just defeated the Byzantine Empire and a new era called the Ottoman Empire is ushered in.
  • book cover Breast Cancer; The Sun Will Rise, by Pamela S. Barron
    SELF HELP: Breast cancer survivor Pamela Barron describes life with metastatic breast cancer and continuous chemo treatment for seven years .
  • book cover War of the Staffs, by Kathryn Tedrick and H.P. Stephenson
    FANTASY: A fresh new series for all those who love dragons, wizards, elves, dwarves, and mayhem.
  • book cover Amazing Adventures of a Nobody, by Leon Logothetis
    MEMOIR: A personal tale of travel and adventure in the real world.
  • book cover Sit Crooked and Speak Straight, by Stephane J. McGrane
    BUSINESS: A primer for anyone wanting to conduct buisiness susccessfully in the Arabian Penninsula.
  • book cover The High-tech Gooseneck Putter, by Samuel DiMatteo & Kristin Johnson
    CHILDREN: Meet Sami DeMani, a Canada gander with a legendary golf game. He’s on track to win the prestigious Waterfowl Tour — and put his nemesis, the ruthless Pete Swan Lake, in his place once and for all.
  • book cover The Missing Cub, by Darcy Fast with Jonathan Kravetz
    AUTOBIOGRAPHY: A baseball autobiography.
  • book cover The Biracial Bondage, by Joe Bama
    SOCIETY: Exploring the struggle of biracial people and couples, as seen through the eyes of both white and black people.
  • book cover Eradonis: Legend of the Black Rose, by Narisha Rajnandan
    FANTASY: First in a series of books featuring sorcery and magic spells.
  • book cover My Life With an Unsung Hero, by Vesta Sithole
    BIOGRAPHY: The post-humus biography of the Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole, a hero of the Zimbabwean struggle for independence.
  • book cover The Genesis One Code, by Daniel Friedmann
    SCIENCE, RELIGION: Calculations demonstrate a clear alignment between the times of key events described in the creation narrative in the Book of Genesis with those derived from scientific theory and observation.
  • book cover Time Craft, by Mark A. Ely
    SCIENCE FICTION: A time-travel story of adventure and scientific imagination.
  • book cover He will guide you, by Dr. John Diomede
    RELIGION: A guide for Christians to your relationship with the Holy Spirit.
  • book cover Flying Cowboys and Confetti Rain: Dreams of a PBR Bull, by Debbie Felkins Tamez
    CHILDREN: An endearing story of a bull and a racoon and their adventures on the road to fame.
    • Book 1
    • Book 2
    • Book 3
    • Book 4
    • Book 5
    • Book 6
    • Book 7
    • Book 8
    • Book 9
    • Book 10
    • Book 11
    • Book 12
    • Book 13
    • Book 14

The five parts to ghost writing a book:

  1. Organizing your thoughts. We can do this for you if you wish, but it is usually best for you to do it yourself.
  2. Choosing quotes, anecdotes, illustrations, historical examples, diagrams, etc. Although we can help, this is often something you will want to do yourself.
  3. Research. Depending on your topic, there might be the need for substantial additional research. This will vary from book to book and from author to author.
  4. Writing. This is self-explanatory.
  5. Editing – second draft. How extensive an edit you require will depend primarily on how much of the information you want included was given to the ghost writer as part of the first three points above.

Accolades for our “ghost writers

Here are a few quick client testimonials. Obviously, most ghostwriting clients cannot be named, but these have allowed us to publish the words they sent us in private. (Read more testimonials here.)

Lena – autobiography client


Thank you so much; you are amazing…I have read some of the later chapters and am amazed. It’s great. That will give them something to talk about. There is a lot from to study there and I must get the facts right before I claim it as my book. But over the few weeks, I shall do so. It’s very late now and I can’t read anymore as I am tired and overwhelmed. You are great. Thanks again. Will be in touch once I have read the whole thing again and probably with some changes. Those last few chapters are red hot.

Denise Reccia – self-help author


Yes Thank you David!! I am very, very happy with the outcome! Debra was fabulous to work with and an amazing person! I highly recommend her for future projects. She will definitely be my choice again.

Steve Rawlinson – owner,


My website has really started to grow over the past few weeks, mostly due to the press release you and Corey wrote.

Maya – novelist


Oh wow, I am crying. It is beautiful. And I am not just saying that because it is my book and all. It flows smoothly. I am pleased. I am confident I will land a contract with that. Now I feel confident. I didn’t feel that confidence before with my manuscript. Being a writer, I know that my manuscript didn’t have the smoothness I was aiming for. Thanks so much.

Bill – screenplay developer


Hey Kristen, What more can I say…You hit it on the nose of what I was thinking. Thank you. And the 36 pages…All I can say is you write what I am thinking and I’m still blown away. I’m so glad I went with you and SEO WRITER. Thank you for fulfilling my vision on my screenplay. You see what I want to be seen to others. Thanks.

5 stars
5 stars – 5 reviews