Hire a report writer or editor

What sets The Happy Guy Marketing apart: Our business writers are experienced in the formalities of report-writing, from annual reports to white papers, but we have the personal writing skills to write a report that won’t put readers to sleep.

Writers for annual reports, white papers and special reports

A good report writer has a very specific skills set. He knows how to write the formal language that government bodies or shareholders expect. He knows how to prepare a white paper that will display credibility. He understands the language of business. He is familiar with the requirements.

But he also knows that bureaucrats, journalists and shareholders are real people. They need to feel engaged in the report to keep from yawning through the text. An engaged reader is more likely to concur with your conclusions or be impressed with your expertise. A bored reader is more likely to dismiss them.

“Everything written can be interesting. The words ‘report’ or ‘white paper’ don’t have to be boring.”

What we do for you

We begin by organizing your thoughts and data. Depending on your project, a report needs certain sections.

For instance, the report of a committee or a consultant must have a “recommendations” section, and would be seen as providing further direction (and might create additional business!) by having an “issues for further study” section. Your report might need a separate “methodology” section if it is for a study, but not if it is a report to shareholders.

A white paper would need an “abstract” that skimmers can read, and it might also need a “methodology” section and graphs or images blended into the text.

An annual report might need several sections, including “investments for the future”, “technology”, departmental reports, and of course all the financial data required by law.

We then pull out the key pieces of information in each section that you will want readers to absorb, even if they skate over the text in a hurry.

We write the report in a formal and active style (most annual reports and white papers put readers to sleep because they use the passive voice, not because they are too formal).

Depending on your organization’s sensitivities, we will find the best way to interject some color into the writing. It might be through examples, quotations, case studies, graphs (much more interesting than tables, even if these are also required), among others.

Our report writers absolutely will make sure that key messages are repeated and highlighted to ensure that all levels of readers pick them up.

Hire a report editor

Perhaps you already have a report drafted. Perhaps you are reading it and saying to yourself, “I could get away with submitting this, but I want to inspire. I want to motivate. I want to be remembered the next time they need a consultant.” Perhaps you just want help to write a better white paper or annual report.

Let us edit your report or white paper – let us help you that impress everyone who reads it, or even just skims it, and leave them feeling good about you. Get your free quote now!